202 Navigating Motherhood without Losing Your Identity with Dr. Morgan Cutlip

How can you as a mom retain your individuality while taking care of your family? Meet Dr. Morgan Cutlip, a psychologist who's dedicated her career to relationship education and is a mother herself. We'll get a glimpse into her journey from the academic world of psychological theories to the practical world of day-to-day motherhood.
Just like machines, we too need regular refueling to function efficiently. The crux of our conversation with Dr. Cutlip revolves around the concept of self-care in motherhood, a topic often pushed to the back burner. We deliberate on how the starvation principle affects both our needs and those of our children, and the shifts we need to make to prevent reaching that point of desperation. We also explore the art of rediscovering joy and using self-care as a decompression tool rather than merely a path to self-improvement.
Motherhood can leave you feeling misplaced. Dr. Cutlip and I delve into the importance of acknowledging this sense of displacement and debunk the myth of balance. We talk about the significance of having systems to check in with ourselves constantly and how to put a pin in issues when we don't have time to deal with them.
Not only do we discuss the importance of maintaining self-focus as mothers, but Dr. Cutlip also gives us a sneak peek into her upcoming book filled with invaluable insights for moms.
Purchase her book: Love Your Kids Without Losing Yourself
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Megan 00:00
Hey there, I am thrilled to introduce you all. If you are not already familiar with Dr. Morgan Cutlip today, I'll let her introduce herself about her background. But a couple things to listen for in our episode here today. First and foremost, for those of you that plan on attending the Epic annual Plan a Palooza event, early bird ticket sales are going on right now. One of the reasons why Dr. Morgan Cutlip is here today is she is one of the guest experts that you are going to be getting some incredible training from inside of the Plan a Palooza event. So this is your opportunity to get to know her, her expertise, etc. Even better here today. And then, secondly, we're going to be talking a little bit about her new book that is available for pre-order now. I have already done my pre-order. Any moms out there, I think that you should put this on your must read list for sure. So, without further ado, let's go ahead and jump in, and I am thrilled to introduce you all to Dr Morgan Cutlip.
Welcome to the Work Life Harmony podcast. I'm your host, Megan Sumrell. I'm the creator of the top program and top planner teaching all things time management, organization and productivity for women. I'm also a mom and wife and, just like you, I'm juggling hashtag all the things while running multiple businesses and a family. Guess what? You don't have to feel constantly overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed out. There is another way. When you have the right systems and tools to plan and manage your time, you can live a life of harmony. This is your show to learn from me and other amazing women how to master your time, planning an organization to skyrocket your productivity so you can have Work Life Harmony.
If you're ready to stop feeling overwhelmed, this is the show for you, and if you're new here, I'd love to get you started with my Work Life Harmony assessment. All you have to do is DM me on Instagram @MeganSumrell with the word Harmony and my team will send it right over. Hey everyone, Welcome back to Work Life Harmony. I was counting down the minutes this morning before bringing on our amazing guest. If you are not familiar with Dr Morgan Cutlip after today, I think you will become obsessed with her work, what she does. I never miss anything that she puts out on social now, and so I want you to go ahead and introduce yourself, Dr Morgan, and then we'll dive into this. What I think is a must listen conversation for any parent out there on how do we love our kids without losing ourself along the way.
Morgan 02:34
Thank you, those are really generous introduction. This is funny. This is always the question I actually have the hardest time with. It's like where do I begin? So I'm my PhD in psychology and I've been in the field of relationship education for over 15 years.
I've worked alongside my dad for a long time. He's in the same degree, same profession, and he was creating courses. Before it was the thing that everybody was doing just teaching them lives. It's like the OG. Yeah, it was like old school. We were going to conferences so I was traveling with him back actually. So it's really always hard for me to describe. When my career began, I was traveling with him in middle school to conferences, started speaking with him in college all the way through grad school. His impact is ingrained and woven through my work. Something that is really important to me when I create courses, create content, when I wrote my book, is that I'm taking psychological theories, psychological principles, but I am articulating them in very practical, tangible and actionable ways. That's my sweet spot. That's where I think I do my best. Work is being really accessible with my information. That's my work life and then my personal life is.
I live in California. I'm from Ohio originally, but we ended up all the way out here. I married my high school sweetheart. We've been married 15 years. I always have to say, though or I lose street credit I can't be a relationship expert and not have dated anybody, but we weren't together. We had a long time apart, but we are married now and we have two kids. Effie is she just turned 10, and then Roy is seven, and their family names are just why they sound like they're elderly. I love that.
Megan 04:20
What I think makes everything that I've learned from absorbing all of your content and kind of back to your point of like taking the information that you are sharing around both navigating motherhood and relationships at home, because it had to be out of parents. That just adds a stress or to any marriage right, it isn't just a oh, I've tested this out and this works here for me in my home, like what you are bringing to the table is backed with so much knowledge, education, thoughtfulness. But again, the way you present information, it is so relatable, it is so, I feel, very seen and validated, but in a very comforting way with how you share your information, and so for me, I know that's where it has been super valuable. When we were first introduced and you were telling me about this amazing book which I'd love for you to share everyone with some background about that, just that whole concept of without losing yourself really rang true to me.
I know my listeners have are familiar with kind of my pivotal I would say that wrong pivotal moment, when my daughter was about two and a half or so and some stranger just innocently asked me what do you do for fun? And I didn't have an like, I didn't have an answer and that was my wake up call on going. I don't even know who I am anymore. Down to, and this may sound silly, this is the question I want to ask you, like Do you hear this from other people? I remember even struggling to figure out what clothes do I wear now, because I'm still working in corporate world, but now I'm a mom and I remember just walking into closing stores and I'm like I don't even know what to shop for anymore. And it sounds so silly. Now you know what doesn't, but I remember just like again, just this disconnection of I don't know who I am anymore.
Morgan 06:13
Yes, oh, there's so many things to say in response to what you just talked about. I think that's entirely relatable. I remember having that same experience of like I'm a mom, which means what to me now Do I look? Am I supposed to be frumpy? Am I supposed like can I still like style, something that I really enjoy? It's like how do I show up and how do I have a clothing that's functional and comfortable and you feel you don't feel like you've lost yourself when you put it on, because that is one expression of identity.
I will say just something you said earlier about my content, and really your compliments are so genuine and nice. So everything that I share in my content online, but especially in my book, is all based on research, on theory. It's actually based around a model of relationships that's at the core of all of the relationship education courses we create. My dad and I create. It's a model he developed in the 80s. It's been researched by people other than us, it's in textbooks, it's taught at universities, so it's a system for moms, and so I want to just say like yes, there is substance to the stuff that I share about. However, I am a part time stay at home mom who also homeschools. They go to an academy for homeschool kids three days a week for the other days, so the stuff that I do share about.
I live it, so it's, I've experienced it, I've put to practice the tools that I teach and it has helped me. And so it is like this two pronged sort of I guess presentation of information which is like this is based on what we know in psychology to be helpful, but then also like yeah, like I'm in it too and I live it too and yeah, it's been helpful for me. So, losing yourself, so your idea of do moms not even know how to have fun anymore? This is actually something I hear all the time Interesting. They don't understand what their hobbies are and they don't know what they need anymore. Something I've created this version of, a real more times than I can count which is you finally get time alone and you don't have to spend it.
Yeah, always does well, because I think that is really such an almost like a universal experience of a lot of moms, and part of why this happens is because it's almost like a.
It's like a slow leak that we don't even realize is happening at first, which is that we become a mom and we're like we throw ourselves into it because we have a baby who is completely helpless and we have also grown up in systems that you know, whether we're aware of it or not, tell us that a good mom self sacrifices for and a woman in general, but mom specifically for the preservation of their relationships.
And so we enter into motherhood, we stuff our knees, we put the baby first and we love it. You know, I mean struggle a lot for a lot of us was for me, and we do it and we keep doing it and before you know it we're like years in and we've been doing it for so long. We don't know any other way and we haven't kept in touch with ourselves. And so it would make sense if what we do for fun changes, what we need changes what our hobbies are changed, but since we haven't stayed in touch with ourselves, we get several years in and we finally come up for air and we get that moment. We're like, oh my gosh, I don't even know why.
Megan 09:34
Yeah, and I think on the like we're talking about that slow leak, I think. You know, the way I always think about it is it's kind of like, yeah, the baby's born, you have to do everything for them, right, they can't. But then it's also like all of a sudden you find yourself like still cutting your meat for your 10 year old because you've just been on habit for so long. And I even find this, I'm like I can like get it, like stop, they can do for themselves. So I think we just get into these habits, but unfortunately there isn't sometimes that reality check looking back at us to go, hey, stop, you don't have to be 24, seven anymore.
Morgan 10:10
Megan 10:11
In service of. They're not helpless anymore.
Morgan 10:15
Yeah, it's like I mean, I think a most mom maybe it's just me, I'm projecting, but I think most moms even have that experience where we're like cutting the meat for our 10 year old and we're doing all and we're picking up their stuff and we're like we're doing it out of habit, out of just like this, and sometimes it's easier and faster.
Oh, yeah, and we're like we don't have time for this. And then you like boil over, because all of a sudden you're like well, come, you, do this stuff for yourself. And we like unleash the wrath. Were you in my house the other day, all right, guys, now you're going to clean your rooms, everything up, right, like you kind of like swing to this extreme. And I think it happens in like multiple touch points of motherhood where we'll do this, where we'll be like whoa, we like bottle it up, we blow up, and it's because, again, like we have not whatever you want to call it we haven't kept in touch with ourselves, we haven't touched base with ourselves enough, and so all of a sudden it erupts in this one big moment, instead of being something that we're just like kind of regularly checking in on and making adjustments.
Megan 11:17
So where can someone start if they are at that point where they're like I don't even, I have this time and now I don't even know what to do with it?
Morgan 11:27
Yeah, so there's like. There's like never simple for me when people ask these questions, because there's sometimes like this is what bugs me about self care, which I could go on and hold rant.
Oh, I know you and I have same very strong feelings about that, very strong feelings about self care, because I believe that there's a lot of times like deeper stuff underneath which we don't necessarily recognize until we become moms. So remember when I was saying there's like these messages we get from whatever the structures we live in. So I liken it to like vitamin D, like we go out in the sun and our body absorbs whatever. I mean I don't I'm not in this field the body absorbs the sunshine and it like processes and makes vitamin D and we're like we didn't even know that was happening. That's how I believe we sort of absorb these messages from society to make our needs small and also things like what it means to be a good mom.
So all our life, before we become a mom, we are learning what it is to be a good mom by what we watch on TV, by what we see in our own caregivers, all of these things and they are living deep within us almost like dormant seeds. And then we have kids and then it's like the water and the sunshine that was necessary. And then they blossom and we're like, whoa, what happened here? And so we then not only is it like we forget what we need, but then we feel guilty about making time and space to meet our needs, and part of it is all of these messages we've absorbed.
So when you ask me that question, I'm like well, it depends, if you have hangups that you've got to get over in order to start feeling like you can take up some space in your relationships and assert your needs, and so sometimes it requires deeper reflection, deeper reconstruction of some of these belief systems that are like providing these roadblocks along the way that are making it hard. Other times it's like real simple stuff, right, it's just kind of like well, you know, let me make a list of like, all the things that bring me joy, and at first you might just be a complete blank space, and so you have to sit in it long enough until things start to kind of percolate and you make a list and next time you're alone, you know, pull up your list. But I would guess that most women actually have things like bigger hangups they got to work through in order to access and become in touch with what they need.
Megan 13:49
Oh, so good, and I'm glad you brought up the list because I have not shared this with you. So back when I couldn't answer what do I do for fun, I found myself in that same thing. I'm like what do I do, how do I bring this in? And so I actually sat down and made a list and I was like OK, what were? And I was like what did Megan of 10 years ago do for fun? Right, because my life was different.
So I didn't know if everything was still going to be a match. And so I went and just started brainstorming like what were all the things I used to do? And so I made this huge, massive list. And the first thing I noticed when I did that that was very painful Was I recognized none of those things were present in my life anymore, like literally none. And so then I was like OK, well, does this list even resonate with me anymore? Do I want to do anything on there? So I just kind of scrolled through it and was like do I find can I find one easy win here? That in looking at it seems like fun to me still that I might want to do? And it's funny because the first thing on my list was I used to bake a lot, like actually made. I actually had a little mini wedding cake business for a while and I saw that and I started laughing. So I was like hell, no, I don't, like that doesn't sound fun to me. Because now I was in the stage of life where what's for dinner? What's for dinner? Like, like, just some, like I'm not going to bake again.
But even for me it was as simple as like the amount that I used to read and it wasn't for education or self improvement, like just I love like a Baldacci novel, like oh my God, yes. And so that's where I started. I was like I'm going to read at night, not to better myself. No parenting books, no business books, just read for reading. So I think there's ways. I think a lot of what I see out there is, you see, kind of that eruption, what you're talking about, that women go through. And then the pendulum goes way over here and it's like now I need to go on a five day retreat. Yes, right, maybe you could just start with like reading a really good book for 20 minutes, like just something. Notice, I didn't say it was self care, that's fun for me, like that was fun for me and it wasn't about taking care of my personal body. I wasn't showering with a personal hygiene.
Morgan 15:59
Oh gosh, you're like hitting on one of my beefs with self care, which is all around the physical self, which there's way more to it. I love what you did. It's funny I've been getting into more fiction lately because I always would read self help type of stuff, because I'm like, well, what else can I learn? And yeah, it's like an escape and it's such an easy win. And I think that's an important piece to. What you're saying is like make the list. This is not like simple Take a walk and then you feel better advice. This is like make a list, go through it.
What doesn't fit, I say needs change into primary ways. But sometimes we like get shocked when needs change, especially in our partnership. So like you didn't need that before, yeah, well I, they change right. So needs change in type and intensity. So sometimes you need more of something you needed before. Like, for example, I always think I needed like a little bit of mental space, quiet, in order to be productive and creative and to like decompress. But I did not need much before, kids. Now I need, I need it desperately and I need a decent amount, and so I think that's an important piece to remember. And so, as people move through their list. What do I just still need? But maybe I need more of what's changing completely, and that's okay, and I have so many things to say, sorry, okay, and then just interrupt me.
The other thing I think that can be really helpful. So, like the baking one, just to remind me, because in my book I tell this whole idea of a movie fantasy motherhood moment, where I think we all had these, like I imagined motherhood to be this big and it was around baking, and but there are things on our list probably of things that we need that we can almost stack with our kids. So if you're in the trenches and you're like I don't have time to do, like these kids are on top of me all day long, there are things that you can like do that meet both people's needs. So let's bake baking, for example, our daughter loves to bake. If I don't, I hate baking, but if I loved it, right, we could bake together and then you're meeting two needs at the same time and there's lots of actual opportunities for that. That I think we lose sometimes is like we can meet our own need while also taking care of our kids.
The other thing that is a bit bigger picture that you're talking about, which we call in our programs the starvation principle, which is that a lot of us don't. It applies to all relationships relationships with our partner, relationship with ourself but it's that you don't feed your relationship until you're absolutely starving. The classic example is when a couple's like not been on a date in years and they're like desperate and they finally make that happen and they're like pulling up to the house before they enter the chaos again and they're like we got to do this more often. And then they run into their life. It gets busy again and like fast forward. Six months have passed and they haven't done it.
And we do this with ourselves, which is that we reach the point of desperation. We go on a five day retreat. We think we have like we have become self-actualized, just end up where we were before, and so these big hits are wonderful. But that's not the way to like feel good over time in our motherhood experience and in our relationship with ourself over the rest of our lives, is that we have to regularly be nourishing ourselves instead of waiting till we're absolutely desperate.
Megan 19:18
That's so good and it's funny. It's making me think back. I can remember years ago, like one of the things that really builds me up and makes me feel like me is girls weekends, like with my sister's best friend, and it doesn't have to be an extravagant thing, it just might be we're together at one person's house and we watch chick flicks at night and eat popcorn and stay up too late and that's it, Like it doesn't need a five day retreat or whatever. And it had been a very long time since I had one.
And I remember vividly the first time getting in my car to go away for the night and I'm talking years and I probably spent the first hour of the drive just crying. I was crying because I was so starved for it and I think that happened for the next couple of years that every time I got in my car to go do the thing, that filled me up, like it was almost like leaving skid marks and then this release, whereas now that I'm so much more aware of it like when I go have those times because I'm nourishing it more I leave the house very calmly. It's happy hugs, goodbye. I'm joyful on the car ride and I'm like okay, this is a very different. I'm not starving myself of it anymore that now it's so much smoother and easier for everybody, because I'm checking in on that and feeding it regularly.
Morgan 20:41
Yes, it is true, and I think what you're saying is really important for moms to hear, which is that those first few times of actually leaning into some of the stuff can be really painful and hard and because we're pushing, we're pushing some stuff away for so long like I don't have time, that then all of a sudden it's like you're alone.
Megan 20:59
I just kind of bubble up and I'd be crying. I'm like I don't even know why I'm crying, like I'm going to do the thing I wanted to. What's going on here? But it would almost just feel like this release, welcome release, yeah yeah, it's a release.
Morgan 21:11
Actually, I saw some piece of content recently that was talking about how when you hold it together for a really long time and then finally you have that moment of like safety or calm or space or whatever it is, how our bodies just kind of like crash. My husband, he travels for work almost every week. Miraculously, he's like on vacation just at home this week, but almost every week he's gone and I'm like, oh, that's why I'm so tired all the time when he gets home. Yeah, cause it's like when he's gone, hold it together and he comes home and I'm like crumble and I think that you know moms who've been holding it together for like 10 years and then you finally get that moment, it makes sense to expect a little bit of a crumbling or an exhaustion that hits Like why am I so tired? I'm resting now or I'm taking a minute, but maybe yeah cause it's been all in there.
Megan 21:59
Now. Are there any things that a mom can do if she's unsure, if she's in a place where she's lost herself or not right, Because I think, like looking back, if you had told me when I was in it that that was going on, I would have resisted. I would have been like no, no, no, that's not me, Like I'm fine, I got everything in motion. You know all of that. Are there any signs or things that we should be kind of a way to flip the mirror inward a little bit on a regular basis, to kind of check in with ourselves to make sure that we aren't losing ourselves along the way?
Morgan 22:29
Yeah, I mean, I think losing so.
Megan 22:32
That doesn't have to be full loss of self, but like we're heading down a path. Maybe we shouldn't be going down or need to pivot a little.
Morgan 22:39
Yeah, I think that, like what you're asking is basically like the crux of my book, which is to get really good at regularly checking in on yourself, and then I get a system for doing that, because we are, like, so good at managing life, managing the people in our life, but we don't turn the same skill set toward ourselves, and so it teaches moms how do you do that, what does that look like and how do you do it in a manageable amount of time. But with losing yourself, I mean, that's just a phrase that I think a lot of us resonate with. Right, there's not a formal definition, but I think there's something that is really important to normalize, and that's that you are going to get lost in motherhood, maybe momentary, yeah, like maybe for a moment. I mean, I think at the end of my book I kind of like in my summer I still don't know what the hell I'm doing.
Yeah, like I think that's the thing is. Like in the last chapter I list, like it's like this long of how many times I had felt lost in motherhood. And sometimes it's just like I was like early on, like seeing a reflection of myself in the mirror. I mean, I think it's more recently, as the kids are getting bigger and more, you know, I'm like, ah, who am I, am I going to be when they're not here? And like I want to just normalize for moms.
It's okay to get lost in motherhood sometimes, and I think it demands it, right, it demands that the job demands it sometimes. And so we live in a culture where, like the cliche statement is, we're all looking to find balance in our lives. And it drives me absolutely crazy because you know I don't like that word, I know we're super. It's funny how the same concepts apply in like different niches. The balance is complete myth, it's baloney.
And I think we have to first dispel that myth, because if you're a mom and you're like, okay, I should never be lost in motherhood, and then you find yourself a little bit lost like, oh shoot, I feel like I'm too invested in my kids right now, not enough in me, then you're going to feel shame and judgment and like that's going to just make things harder and make things worse, and so life is going to create complications, difficulty.
It's designed in such a way. I don't know why it is, but it pulls our relationships apart. We see it in our partnerships the most like, in the most easy of ways, because if you think about having kids like that's a blessing and a wonderful thing, but like it's inconvenient for your committed relationship, and so it's just. Even the good stuff pulls us apart from our relationships. Motherhood will pull us away from ourselves, and so don't be upset when you get lost, but also empower yourself with the skills and the tools to regularly maintain a connected relationship with yourself, because our relationships don't auto correct. We have to be intentional about how we care for them and how we assess how we're doing.
Megan 25:26
And that's why I think there's just such a great synergy between your approach to this and my approach to pretty much life as a whole, which is this idea of for those of you that have been in my time management program, my top program it's all about learning the systems and processes. The systems and processes can stay with you for the rest of your life, no matter how different your life looks. So you learn the core systems and processes and then you continue to use them through all stages of your life, which is so different than the one time fix right, and so this is why I love where you're talking about no. That's the whole purpose of having this book out there is that we need to learn what is the regular system that we are using to be checking in, to be making a little auto corrects here and there, or maybe even it's the realization of no, this is just going to be a short season where I need to be all in in motherhood because of whatever's going on, but when you have that system backing you up and you know you have it to check in with, it makes those all in time so much easier to deal with.
So this is again why I just I can't recommend this enough for folks to go out, get the book, start implementing that, so that we aren't on this. I think when you don't have the systems is when you have that explosion and you end up going on a five. You know right, oh my gosh. Whereas if you have these things in place in your life regularly, where you are, you may have a system for how often you clean your bathroom. Right, you should be having a system for how often you're checking in with yourself and what that looks like, and so I just I think this is so important and it's what I feel is missing for so many moms out there. We're taught the one time, fix right, oh, do this one thing, get this one thing under control and organized, but then what we're missing is well, what do we do to keep up with it Exactly?
So it doesn't all fall apart again.
Morgan 27:28
We're very aligned. Just to highlight, like add on with what you're saying. So in the book I give moms it's a model of relationship, so it's a visual. So I think that we remember things. We remember things when we can like picture them in our minds and basically you can kind of do a self scan or a self check in and the amount of time it takes you to like go to the bathroom, it's super fast. And I say in the book I say this as much as possible and it's echoing something you're saying which I think is really, really key is that sometimes you do a scan and you're like, oh, I can turn these dials real quickly and I'm going to like recalibrate, I'm going to feel a little bit better. And sometimes you're going to say, uh, I don't have to need to, I don't have time for this, I need something much bigger than what I can do in this moment. However, there is like there's power and definition. I say like what you can define, you can dominate, because when you define something, it feels more in your control.
Megan 28:22
Control yeah.
Morgan 28:24
It feels more like okay, I actually I'm empowered with this information because then I can decide what I want to do about it. And so if a mom does a scan and you define what's going wrong or what's feeling kind of like there's a deficit, even if you can't do anything about it, you'll feel relief and being able to define what it is. And then you just like put a pin in it. Like at some point I need to come back to this During the process of writing my book, I was like very much a pin in a lot of things where I was like Kind of like when the kids like can you help me, can you help me, and you're like in a minute, it's very much like.
I gotta keep saying like I'd be like working and be like dying to go do something and be like in a minute, like in a minute. You know I'll come back to you, don't worry, I see you, I'll come back to you. And that is really reassuring and powerful for moms too.
Megan 29:12
So good, so good. So where is the best place one for people to connect and follow you? I'm obsessed with your Instagram. And second, where can people get the book?
Morgan 29:24
So my Instagram is drmorgancutlip.
Megan 29:27
And we'll have it in the show notes too, guys.
Morgan 29:29
Okay, perfect yeah, I'm always like there's no period after doctor. I do own that account too. You will not find any content. And then Cutlip is an injury to the lip. Literally, it's compound word, that's just how it is. And then you can find my book on my. So it's for pre-order now. It comes out in early September, but I'm offering a bunch of bonuses when you pre-order. And also I recorded the first three chapters in audio so you can actually listen to them right away and I'm really excited to offer that. Cause I think with moms, like we're not, my publisher is like give them a PDF. I'm like I'm not giving moms a PDF.
Megan 30:03
They won't read it, they need to hear it they need to hear it.
Morgan 30:06
So I'm really excited that when you pre-order, you get those three chapters immediately, and so that's on my website, drmorgancutlipcom backslash book, or if you just go to the homepage, you'll find it right, front and center, perfect.
Megan 30:18
I am just we'll be literally waiting at my mailbox for the actual release date of this, but you guys, when you're listening to this right now, go do the pre-order, get the bonuses, have that. And also, you guys, we are here in the month of August when you're listening to this, which means that I have not told you the best news about Dr Morgan Cutlip. She has graciously agreed to be one of the incredible guest experts coming into the annual planning Plano Pelusa event, and early bird tickets are on sale right now. You can get your seat for annual Plano Pelusa. Even people are like I can't believe we're doing this for solo, for only $47 for the entire live event and the recordings, and so, now that you've gotten to meet Dr Morgan here a little bit, the training that she is gonna be providing inside of our Plano Pelusa event is something that you will get access to as well. So just another goodie, and truly I can't thank you enough for joining us in Plano Pelusa when you've had all this going on with the new book and everything.
Morgan 31:23
So it's amazing. It's an honor to be a part of it. I'm so excited to be a part of it and really grateful, so thank you.
Megan 31:28
We are as well. Do you have any final words of wisdom that you wanna leave with our listeners? This is the most difficult question I was like I know right, it's always so hard I think like choose one place to start.
Morgan 31:43
I think sometimes, when we get gung ho and excited about making changes in our life, we get really overwhelmed with all of the things that we can start doing, and so choose one little win today and I think that will help you build momentum to make bigger changes in your life.
Megan 31:58
Love that. Thank you so so much. We really appreciate it.
Morgan 32:03
Thank you.
Megan 32:06
Getting on top of all things time management, organization and productivity doesn't have to stop just because this episode is over. If you want one tap access to all of my training and current top podcasts, go to the app store or Google Play and download the Pink Bee app. It's one word, the Pink Bee. It is jam packed with simple yet powerful tips and strategies to get you out of overwhelm and into harmony. And if you have a question you want me to cover on a future episode, go to iTunes and ask your question in the podcast review section. And while you're there, don't forget to leave a five star review. Thank you.