3 Planning Systems To Stop Overwhelm In Its Tracks
Planning tips and organization techniques are fantastic for getting things in order in the short term, but they aren’t enough to prevent us from feeling overwhelmed again later. That’s why we need repeatable planning systems in place, and today, I’m sharing three of these life-changing processes!

How Your Personality Test Results Change Over Time
Most of us approach personality test results with the idea that they can’t be changed, but recently, I’ve seen shifts in not only my own Myers-Briggs personality type but in the types of women in my community. And today, I’m sharing how weekly planning may be impacting these changes!

How to Reduce Holiday Stress
The holidays are on their way, and for most of us busy moms, this means a big dose of holiday stress is barreling our direction, too. Thankfully, feeling overwhelmed during November and December doesn’t have to be your norm, and today, I’m giving you the planning tips you need to make that happen!

How to Stop Procrastinating
If you think you’re the only person battling procrastination, you’re dead wrong. EVERYONE deals with this, and there’s a good reason the productivity tips you’ve been trying aren’t helping! If you’re ready to stop procrastination for good, you need the #1 strategy in today’s episode.

Why Moms Always Feel Overwhelmed (and what you can do about it!)
Constant overwhelm seems to be inevitable for women nowadays and for good reason. Life and motherhood demand a lot! But understanding why we feel this way is the first step to changing things. In this episode, I dive into the top reasons women are feeling overwhelmed — and what we can do about it!

Why I Still Believe in Long-Term Planning
Many people think long-term planning is a waste of time — especially for busy moms. But in this episode, I’m sharing how the right kind of annual planning helps you stay present, establish boundaries, and avoid overscheduling so that you can finally create the work-life harmony you desire.

How to Minimize Distractions
Unlocking simple ways to identify and minimize the distractions you encounter daily is a game-changer! In this episode, we talk about the two types of distractions that keep you feeling overwhelmed. PLUS, the tools and strategies you need to combat them — including your weekly planning!

How and WHY You Should Pay Attention to Transitions
Transitions — we make them all day, every day, but how much attention do we give them? In this episode, I’m exploring how purposeful transitions can increase your productivity and stop you from feeling overwhelmed and irritable. PLUS, I’m sharing the six words that have been a game-changer for me!

The 5 Planning Tools I Can’t Live Without
When I sit down to do my weekly planning, there are several tools I use, but five specific planning supplies that I just can’t plan without. Today, I’m revealing the absolute essentials for this paper planner lover. PLUS, I’m sharing why you should check them out, too!

4 Reasons I Love the Color Pink
Why do I love the color pink so much? If you’ve ever wondered this, today’s episode is giving you the inside scoop on the reasons pink means so much to me and my business, The PINK Bee. Plus, I share how the color pink is tied to passion and what it has to do with you creating work + life harmony!

My Top 3 Paper Planner Tips
When it comes to choosing a paper planner, there are a lot of factors to consider! This week, I dive into what your top priorities should be when choosing a new paper planner. Plus, I’m sharing what these things mean for your weekly planning.

Create Routines for Your Summer that Actually Work
When summer finally arrives, it’s easy for your routines and weekly planning to start slipping. But there is a way to create a routine for the break that still allows for flexibility and will save your sanity during these months! Tune in for my top 5 time management tips for moms over summer break.

How to Start Co-Planning With Your Partner
I spend most of my time talking about monthly and weekly planning from a singular perspective. But, in honor of Father's Day, I want to share a few strategies for co-planning with your spouse or significant other to create more life harmony. PLUS, I’m giving you some family planning tips as well!

How to Stop Overplanning (Even If You’re a Planner)
Believe it or not, even with weekly planning, you can have too much of a good thing! The tendency to overplan is very real for many women, and that’s why this week, we’re diving into the best ways to know if you’re doing it, what could happen as a result, and how to stop overplanning ASAP.

When It’s Okay to Call It Quits
While you may not consider yourself a quitter, there are times that learning when to quit can actually get you closer to where you need to be. Whether it’s internal or external forces shifting your priorities and circumstances, this episode can help you determine if it’s time to quit to win.

Create Routines That Work (No Matter How Non-Routine Your Life Is!)
Establishing daily routines can be a challenge for moms with ever-changing schedules, but this episode will help you see routines in a new light. Plus, you’ll learn the steps to create flexible routines that actually work for you and discover how to fit them into your weekly planning.

When Organization Goes Too Far
Organization is supposed to make your life easier, but what happens when you get too organized? This week, we’re diving into how to stop feeling overwhelmed from over-organizing and how to create the right kinds of organizational systems for you and your life.

What To Do When Planning Gives You Anxiety
While weekly planning and time management are not meant to bring stress to your life, many people struggle with feelings of anxiety when it comes to making plans. In this episode, we’re getting to the heart of planning anxiety and the strategies you need to plan in a way that supports you.

Why I Don’t Believe in Bullet Journaling
Bullet Journals. I'll be blunt. I do not recommend them. They claim to help with productivity but they simply do not. There are a few key elements that are missing from the bullet journal technique.

My Thoughts on the “Top 3 Priorities” Approach to Productivity
If you were ever taught to create your "top 3" priorities for the day as a form of increasing productivity, listen up. This method does NOT work for everyone and can actually lead to decreased productivity for some!

My True Feelings About Self-Care
Self-care. This word is popping up everywhere. And while I think the intention is good, it is started to cause problems for a lot of women. Today, I want to share my take on "self-care" vs. caring for ones self.

A New Approach to Your Home Screen Organization
Making a few simple tweaks to what does (and does not) go on the homescreen of your phone is a HUGE game changer. I can't wait to hear what changes you are going to make!

A Warning About Inspirational Signs
I LOVE a good motivational sign or inspirational quote. However, if you are not taking in the whole picture of your life, these empowering messages can lead you to feeling like a failure!

How to Plan in the Midst of Uncertainty
Biggest lie out there: plans are pointless if you have a lot of uncertainty. If you feel like things are always changing, then you absolutely NEED to plan. In this blog, I will tell you how you can embrace a new style of planning!

Aligning Your Calendar & Your Priorities
Have you ever just felt "off?" I know I have. I have times where even though things are getting done and I am managing my time well, I just feel like something is "off." This is a signal that your calendar and your priorities are likely out of alignment.

Your 3 Time Buckets as a Business Owner
As a "mompreneur", there is a lot to juggle. Business, home, school, activities, etc.
If you are always feeling pulled in different directions, the perfect place to start is creating three clear buckets of time in your days and week.

Stop Making New Year’s Resolutions (and do this instead!)
Forget the New Years Resolutions! As we wrap up the year, I want to encourage you to focus your time and energy on what will actually help you hit your goals for next year.

A Simple Exercise for Success in the New Year
Are you desperately waiting for this year to end so you can "start fresh" in the New Year? Stop! We still have important work to do. In this episode, I have a short homework assignment for you that will set you up for success in the upcoming year!

How to Really Delegate
Do you assign out tasks to others but still feel overwhelmed? There is a subtle difference between assigning and delegating. In this post, we are going to discuss the two and how you can make a shift.

The Four Levels of Planning
I talk a lot about weekly planning. But, there are actually 3 other "levels" of planning that are critical to put in place to truly master your time and be the planning super star you were meant to be.

Choosing Your 2022 Planner
It’s the most wonderful time of the year...new planner season!
The very first decision that you need to make when choosing your 2022 planner is to decide whether you’re committing to a paper planner, a digital planner, or an electronic planner.

What to do with Your Dreaded Carryover Task
The week is over and you are looking at the list of stuff you planned to do but didn't get done.
Most people will instinctively take all those tasks and then create a task list for next Monday to finish them all.
This hardly ever works.
When it comes to what I call "carry-over" tasks, I have a set process I go through on how to deal with this.

A Different Kind of Self Care
Have you ever felt "meh" or just depressed and you can't figure out why? Even when you are getting plenty of self-care and rest? I've been there. And, it wasn't until recently that I figured out why.
Self-care and fun are NOT the same thing, friends.

A Different Kind of Morning Routine
Not all morning routines work for all people because we all have different personalities. Meditation and yoga first thing are NOT good for me. Why? Because it isn't a good fit for my personality type

What $25 of Groceries Can Teach You About Time Management
The holiday season is coming up FAST, and honestly, this is the perfect time of the year to really highlight the importance of being super intentional with your time.
So, how do you continue to be productive during the ultra-busy holiday months without working yourself to the bone or losing sight of what’s most important?

4 Game-Changing Time Management Tips for Busy Working Moms
One question I get asked regularly is, “How much time do you work every day and how do you stay so productive?”
In this blog, I will answer just that!

Why You Need to Ditch Your To-Do List ASAP
Tell the truth... Do you feel like your days are an endless battle of you versus your never-ending to-do list?
I mean, it’s supposed to help you out — to make your life easier — but somehow each evening you’re left feeling like your list won. Again. Because no matter how hard you try, you simply can’t do #allthethings!

Why I Hate the Phrase "Success Leaves Clues"
Have you heard the phrase “Success Leaves Clues”? I have a love-hate relationship with it.

Is Pomodoro right for you? It doesn't work for me.
If I had a nickel for every time someone asks me for tips on how to stay focused, I could have bought my own island by now!

3 Tips To Help Your Transition Back To School
Transitioning out of summer and back to school is hard. I know first hand.
This is my daughter’s first week back to school and I know many moms out there like me might feel like pulling their hair out trying to get everything ready to go.

How to Stay Organized with Only One Notebook
Be honest. How many notebooks are you using at any given time? Do you have them in your car, purse, and multiple places in your house? Today I’m going to share one of the tools that I use. The “One Notebook” system.

3 Modes Of Productivity
Everyone seems to be obsessed with “productivity hacks” these days. In one of my previous podcast episodes, I talked about why I hate the word hack. That doesn’t resonate well with me. I believe what everyone needs is a long-term solution for productivity, not a hack.

Two Words That Can Change Your Life
When it comes to speaking to others, we usually stop to think about what we want to say. But, do you give yourself the same courtesy when you talk to yourself?

Reasons Before Results
I had a really interesting conversation with one of my clients the other day. She reached out because she was frustrated about the lack of progress on a goal she was working on.

Can You Really Do More in Less Time?
Doing more in less time. Can you really defy the laws of time? Sounds impossible, right?
It isn’t!

Why My Planning Systems of 20 years No Longer Worked
I had a pretty good system for managing my work and life...until I didn't. If this sounds familiar, listen up today. You may need a new system just I like did!

How Mindset Affects Your Planning And Productivity
Have you ever wondered if your mindset affects how you plan? It may not seem obvious at first, but it can have a huge impact!

The Power Of Knowing What You Don't Want
This week we are going to change things up. I usually encourage you to spend your time thinking about things that you want to do, things you want to learn, and things you want to implement; however, I am going to switch it up a little and talk about why you need to think about what you don’t want.

Mother's Day Edition: Time Management Lessons from my Mom
Mothers are superheroes without capes. Or at least that’s how we feel most of the time. I recently celebrated Mother’s Day with my mom and it got me thinking about my amazing mother and all that I have learned from her.

Are You A Perfectionist or Do You Just Have High Standards?
Have you ever been called a perfectionist? Or, has someone told you your standards are too high?
Let’s talk about the difference between having high standards and being a perfectionist.

How to Conduct a 90 Day Check-in on Your Goals
Goal setting should be an ongoing process. And, there may be phases and stages in life where we're not focused on big goals, either. Sometimes, we are intentionally holding back to refresh and refuel before we launch on our next big adventure.

Knowing Your Productivity Cycles
Let’s talk about women’s stuff on a serious note!
What do you know about your productivity cycle?
I am talking about our hormonal cycle and the importance of understanding the incredible impact it can have on you, your productivity, and your sanity.

One Powerful Tip Before Your Next Vacation
Let’s talk about going on a trip or vacation! I know even though we are in the midst of a pandemic and vacations don't quite look like what they used to, a lot of us are still looking for creative ways as the weather is warming up to maybe spring break or a little family outing.

Creating Boundaries With Your Time
Boundaries. We all need them, especially when it comes to managing our time.
Be honest. When you first hear the word boundaries, it gives a negative feeling. Right?

How to Start Journaling if You Hate to Journal (and why you need to!)
"You need to journal!" I heard this for years but never found any success with it. It just never clicked for me. Until it did. Turns out, there is a solution for people like me that hate to journal! In this episode, I am going to share my journaling secret and why you need to give it a try!

Are You Stuck in the Waiting Place?
Do you know what happens in the ‘waiting place?’ Absolutely nothing. Nothing good, nothing bad, just nothing. Is that how you want to spend the rest of 2020?

What Your Calendar Silently Says About Your Priorities
Are you communicating what is important to you to your family? Take a look at your calendar to see!

When to Turn a Task Into An Appointment
Face it, you treat tasks and appointments differently. Because of that, there are times you need to treat a task like an appointment!

How to Avoid Training Overwhelm
Have you ever attended a training event or conference...left SO fired up...and then did nothing because you didn't know where to start?

My Superpower? Failing!
Failing is a massive part of my success. The real key here is my ability to fail FAST. The faster I fail, the quicker my superpower grows.

Is It Really Lack of Motivation or Just Lack of Clarity?
No motivation? You might not be struggling with motivation issues after all. There is a high probability that you just lack clarity on what you should be doing and how to get it done.

Pivot is Not Failure
Giving up is failure. Pivoting is not. Quitting is failure. Pivoting is creating a new plan.

Are You Wearing Two Hats
You Thought Were One?
I recently realized that a new “hat” entered my rotation and I hadn’t given it the proper welcome. And, because I didn’t recognize it for what it was, it turned my life upside down.

Quarantined Mompreneur Survival Guide
Here I sit...prepping for week 6 of quarantined mompreneur life. And, for the first time since this “new normal” started, I actually feel pretty good heading into the week.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Motivation is Gone
Is your motivation out the window? If so, I have 3 questions for you!

5 Tips to Keep you Less Distracted
Easily distracted? It happens...to a lot of us! Here are 5 tips to help you maintain focus..

To Serve or to Sell….THAT is the Question!
I’ll be honest...when the pandemic hit,
I wasn’t sure what the heck to do at first, either. I felt weird “selling” and wasn’t sure how to show up on social media.

How to Win the Battle of Perfectionism vs. Productivity
Done is better than perfect.
If you keep on tweaking and changing, nothing will ever get done. Ever.

Remember that “Time Freedom” You Were Looking For?
All network marketers talk about how we can “work anywhere…any time.” The harsh reality for so many is that this turns into “working EVERYWHERE….ALL the time.”

Embrace, Own, and Respect your Split Personalities
I recently introduced my daughter to all three of my personalities..and it has been life changing.

Why my Business Took Off When I Stopped Looking For An Accountability Partner
I have had many accountability partners over the years and they have never done anything to help me with my goals. Not once. Why? Read on....

Why I Hate the Word “Hack”
I HATE the word “hack." I have yet to see a “hack” that helped formed new, sustainable, awesome practices.

Goals Are Set…Now What?
Learning how to track your lead indicators tells you quickly if your plan is the right plan to help you hit your goals.

Why Your Morning Routine Might be Failing You
Feeling like a failure because your morning routine does nothing for you? You are not alone!.

Two Things I Will Never Compromise
No matter what, I have two things I will never compromise on and these two things keep me sane!

Asking for Help Should Not be So Hard
I love helping others..but I absolutely hate asking others to help me.

Is Self-Care a Requirement or Reward?
Do you consider breaks and self-care a reward or requirement? Boy have I learned a new way of thinking!

3 Steps You Can Take When You Are Completely Overwhelmed
Sometimes, the feeling of overwhelm is just so great that it prevents you from doing anything. Here is a 3-step process to get you back in action.

What I Learned from My 3-Headed Dog
Don’t give up before you even start. It is never ok to let the lack of knowledge prevent you from trying. Lack of knowledge is an opportunity to learn!

What Does Being Intentional Mean?
We have all heard the phrase "being intentional"....but you ever really thought about what that means?

How Structure Creates Freedom
Does the thought of a structured calendar stress you out? Check out how structure can actually give you MORE freedom!

What are Your Non-Negotiables?
If everything is important,
then nothing is important.
Are you trying to do too much?
Perhaps you need to identify your non-negotiables!

How to Effectively Time Block with Kids at Home
Implementing time blocking when you have little kids at home is a heck of a lot harder than time blocking in an office all day.

How Do You Define Success?
Do you feel successful?
I didn't...for a really long time. Maybe you need to re-think your definition of success!

Three Things You Need to Stick to a Plan
Why is sticking to a plan to dang hard? Let's dive into that topic and discuss the three things you need to help you STICK to a plan!

5 Times Multi-Tasking is Actually Beneficial
I am actually a strong believer in
multi-tasking; just in very specific situations.

How Your Type A Personality Could Be Sabotaging Your Success
Most people think having a Type A personality is a key to success. What they don't know is that being Type A can also sabotage their success.

It Is OK to Want More
Do you feel selfish for wanting more? Are you embarrassed for having dreams bigger than you can put on paper? Maybe you are made for more!

The Secret to Having It All
Guess what?
I have unlocked the secret to "having to all"...and you can, too! You just need to stop trying to have it "all" at the same time!

How To Create a Morning Routine For Your Personality Type
Quit trying to implement someone else's morning routine. A successful morning routine should be based on your personality type!

How to Stay Focused Working From Home
Do you struggle to stay focused working from home? It can be hard...but with these simple tips, you can soon master the art of a highly productive home office!

3 Things You Can Do Today to Stop Wasting Time
I’m going to blow your mind.
Are you ready for this? Hang on. Sit down. If you are exhausted and stressed out and busy….YOU ARE WASTING TIME. I'm going to explain why...

Overwhelmed? Been there.
I used to have my shit together.
Then I had a kid. Then the wheels fell off. Who knew that introducing ONE tiny little human into your life could change EVERYTHING? Really. Absolutely everything.

Why I Still Use a Paper Calendar..and You Should, Too
I firmly believe that part of the reason everyone is so stressed out and over-scheduled is because they keep their calendar on a tiny phone screen. They are scheduling their life on a screen that is 5x3 inches.

Embracing My Label as a “Working Mom”
Figuring out this whole “working mom” thing isn’t easy. But, I am making progress. In fact, I had a huge breakthrough last weekend.

I Don’t Fit In
I don’t fit in. I never have….and there is a good chance I never will. And you know what?? I’m totally fine with it. So, now that I have put that out there….I have to be 100% honest. This “being totally fine with it” was a long journey. A very very very long journey…and a lot of it was NOT pretty.

How to Create a Morning Routine
About 18 months ago, I was reading an article about high achieving people. It mentioned that the one thing EVERY high achiever they talked to had in common was a sacred morning routine. None of them were the same...but they ALL had one. Well...I want to be a high achiever….so I set out to create a morning routine for myself. I’m not gonna lie...it took a LOT of trial and error for me to find one that actually works for ME and my family.

What I Have Learned from My Shoes
Shoes. I adore them.
I am not married to one particular style or brand. I love them ALL! High heels, vans, running shoes, flats, boots...you name it. They are all fabulous. And you know what? I’ve learned a LOT from my shoes!

Set Non-Working Hours, Not Office Hours
How many times have you heard,
“You need to set office hours!” Well, if you are like me and are juggling a business, motherhood, and a schedule that changes every single day, setting regular office hours is flat out impossible. However, you can set NON-working hours. In fact, I STRONGLY advise you to do that….ASAP.

How to Invest in Yourself And Why You Need To
When I talk to people about the importance of investing in yourself,
I usually get an immediate response back telling me why they can’t make the investment...and it always boils down to two things: lack of time and/or lack of money. Bottom line….both of these reasons are an excuse.

Multitasking or Context Switching?
As women, we have an innate ability
to multi-task INCREDIBLY well.
Probably too well. Multi-tasking is what keeps me from drowning. I had a conversation with my husband recently about this and he informed me that he was the KING of multi-tasking. My initial reaction was to stifle a laugh. I thought, “He knows NOTHING about multi-tasking.”

10 Ideas to Work Less and Increase Your Productivity
Today I am going to share with you my Top 10 Productivity Tips.
These tips will allow you to work less...and get MORE done. They have helped me avoid burnout as an entrepreneur…and they are likely NOT what you are expecting!

Intentions over Resolutions
I LOVE the start of a New Year.
I love setting goals. I love reviewing the past year and thinking about what I want to keep the same, what I want to change, and what I want to add more of or remove. I love cleaning out closets, desk drawers, and file cabinets. I’m all about the fresh start.

Less. This is my word for 2019.
That probably doesn’t send waves of inspiration over most of you….but to me, it is exactly what I need. I woke up with that word so clearly burned in my mind this morning and I KNEW it was “my word” for 2019.

Working Mom
Those two words bring up more feelings, thoughts, and emotions than
I can even count. Some good, some bad. Some joyful and some flat out heart wrenching. I could write enough to fill an entire book on just those two words.

It’s Not You….It’s Me
Our family NAILS vacation time. We go with the flow, laugh, relax, do spontaneous stuff, snuggle a lot, and just plain enjoy each others company. We ROCK at vacations. However, at home, it is NOT the same. At all. And I can’t blame them, either. I realized that I am a major part of this problem. Yikes. Sometimes self reflection really sucks.

Align, not Hustle
A dear friend and coach posted this image today. My first reaction was “uhhh….no. I’m all about the hustle…I don’t have TIME to align.”
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