Welcome to the Work+Life Harmony Podcast!
Here, you will learn practical tips on all things time management, organization and productivity for overwhelmed women. Are you feeling overwhelmed, frazzled and exhausted trying to do #allthethings?
Each week, you will hear practical advice, real stories, and awesome interviews from other women that are finding work+life harmony as they juggle (not balance) their lives, families, work and businesses ...without sacrificing themselves or the things they love.
You’ll walk away feeling empowered and equipped to manage your time, get organized, and skyrocket your productivity!

173. Tackling Grief & Productivity with Krista St-Germain
Krista St-Germain helps us tackle the heavy and hard topic of productivity through grief, teaching us to actively prioritize joy, acknowledge our emotions, and challenge the pervasive grief myths that can hinder our healing.

172. 4 Steps to Reestablish Routines
After the holidays, it's time to take on what can seem like the daunting challenge of getting back on top of your routines, while learning to navigate the central conflict between your pre-existing routines and your new goals.

171. The Non 'New Year New You' Plan
New year, new you, NO WAY! You don't need a new you. You are fantastic just the way you are. New year, new you implies that who we are isn't enough. How about we switch this to "New Year, I'm Here!".

170. Saving time with Outsourcing with Michelle Fernandez
Do you run your own business? Outsourcing can come in many shapes and sizes. Today, I have Michelle Fernandez here to talk about the differences between using an agency vs. an independent contractor when you're ready to outsource tasks.

169. New Year's Resolutions: Why I Don't Set Them & What You Should Do Instead
Don't waste your time writing New Year's resolutions - they're a setup for failure. Once upon a time, I was a firm believer in making traditional New Year's resolutions each year, but I have since come to realize that this is a waste of time.

168. The Importance of Routines for People with ADHD to Stay Organized and Productive with Skye Rapson
Are learning time management and productivity skills a waste of time if you have ADHD? No! I am by no means an expert in this area so I brought one on the show instead.
ADHD expert, Skye Rapson, shares some of helpful strategies to build effective systems and help alleviate feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.

167. Having a Full Schedule Doesn’t Equal a Full Life
I'm always surprised when people look at my weekly planner and see how much white space is in there. To the outside world, I appear to be a highly productive person. But the fact is, I have a lot of free time on my calendar. That's because I prioritize the things that are most important to me.

166. 5 Things a Time Management Expert Would Never Do
I'm a time management expert, and I've noticed a trend on social media of people sharing the five things they would never do in their field. Count me in! I thought it would be fun to do the same for time management so listen in to hear the five things I would never do as a time management expert.

165. Work + Life Harmony Podcast Celebrates 3 Years! Your Questions Answered
I'm Megan Sumrell, host of the Work + Life Harmony podcast and creator of the TOP Program and TOP Planner. I'm also a mom and wife, and just like you, I'm juggling all the things while running multiple businesses and a family. I started the Work + Life Harmony podcast because I wanted to help women like you master their time, planning, and organization so they could live a life of harmony.

164. Setting up a space in your home that supports productivity with Amy Pottenger
In this episode of Work + Life Harmony, Amy Pottenger shares her expert tips on creating a dedicated space in your home for work - even if you don't have a separate room! Are you struggling to find a dedicated space to work at home? Check out these tips for setting up a work-friendly space in your home, no matter the size!

163. How to Choose A Planner That You'll Actually Use
It's that time of year when everyone starts asking for planner suggestions! I'm sharing some of the things I've noticed as I do deep-dive reviews of different planners. I am going to compare 6 different planners and talk through the pros and cons of each while also giving you my tips on what to look for (and what to avoid) when picking your next planner.

162. How Planning Systems Prevent Overwhelm
Planning tips and organization techniques are fantastic for getting things in order in the short term, but they aren’t enough to prevent us from feeling overwhelmed again later. That’s why we need repeatable planning systems in place, and today, I’m sharing three of these life-changing processes!

161. Finding Time for Personal Development with Michelle Wolfe
If you’re new to personal development, it can seem daunting at first. There is SO much to choose from, and as a busy mompreneur, how do you find TIME to fit it in? Michelle Wolfe is here to help, and give us the tips we need to make personal development an easy part of our Work + Life Harmony.

160. How Planning Changes Your Personality Test Results
Most of us approach personality test results with the idea that they can’t be changed, but recently, I’ve seen shifts in not only my own Myers-Briggs personality type but in the types of women in my community. And today, I’m sharing how weekly planning may be impacting these changes!

159. 3 Ways to Make the Holidays Less Stressful
The holidays are on their way, and for most of us busy moms, this means a big dose of holiday stress is barreling our direction, too. Thankfully, feeling overwhelmed during November and December doesn’t have to be your norm, and today, I’m giving you the planning tips you need to make that happen!

158. Managing Expected Mess vs. Clutter with Katy Wells
Today’s guest, Katy Wells, has truly changed my life with her decluttering methods and organization tips and allowed me to stop feeling overwhelmed about the physical things in our house. I know she’ll also be a game-changer for you when it comes to finding ways to simplify and declutter your home!

157. Planning Large Home Projects with Tasha Agruso
As a part of the Meet the Guest Expert series for our upcoming Plan-a-Palooza, I’m so excited to introduce you to the DIY home project guru, Tasha Agruso! She’s sharing her best project planning tips to help you stop feeling overwhelmed about the big things you want to tackle in your home.

156. The #1 Way to Stop Procrastination in Its Tracks
If you think you’re the only person battling procrastination, you’re dead wrong. EVERYONE deals with this, and there’s a good reason the productivity tips you’ve been trying aren’t helping! If you’re ready to stop procrastination for good, you need the #1 strategy in today’s episode.

155. Why You are Always Winning the Game You are Playing with Mindi Huebner
Annual planning time is here, so I’m once again chatting with one of my favorite podcast guests, Mindi Huebner, as we dive into how to master your mindset while creating your long-term plans and priorities. Because we all know that no matter how great our plans, nothing works without the right mindset!

154. Top 3 Reasons Why Women are So Overwhelmed
Constant overwhelm seems to be inevitable for women nowadays and for good reason. Life and motherhood demand a lot! But understanding why we feel this way is the first step to changing things. In this episode, I dive into the top reasons women are feeling overwhelmed — and what we can do about it!

153. Is planning for the future a waste of time?
Many people think long-term planning is a waste of time — especially for busy moms. But in this episode, I’m sharing how the right kind of annual planning helps you stay present, establish boundaries, and avoid overscheduling so that you can finally create the work-life harmony you desire.

152. Creating Meaningful Plans with Money with Brie Sodano
The incredible Brie Sodano is back to share with you the financial planning tips you need to create more space, time, and freedom in your life! Brie’s also one of the featured speakers for my upcoming Plan-A-Palooza annual planning event because let’s face it, planning and money go hand-in-hand.

151. The 2 Types of Distractions and How to Minimize Them
Unlocking simple ways to identify and minimize the distractions you encounter daily is a game-changer! In this episode, we talk about the two types of distractions that keep you feeling overwhelmed. PLUS, the tools and strategies you need to combat them — including your weekly planning!

150. 5 Simple Things You Should Do Every Sunday with Toni-Ann
Finding a Sunday routine that sets you up for success is HUGE for busy moms! We all want to learn how to stop feeling overwhelmed and finally crack the code on how to get organized without sacrificing our weekends — and that’s exactly what today’s guest is here to help us do with five simple steps.

149. How transitions affect productivity
Transitions — we make them all day, every day, but how much attention do we give them? In this episode, I’m exploring how purposeful transitions can increase your productivity and stop you from feeling overwhelmed and irritable. PLUS, I’m sharing the six words that have been a game-changer for me!

148. Megan's Favorite Planning Supplies
When I sit down to do my weekly planning, there are several tools I use, but five specific planning supplies that I just can’t plan without. Today, I’m revealing the absolute essentials for this paper planner lover. PLUS, I’m sharing why you should check them out, too!

147. Finding Harmony and Saving Time in Your Closet with Mary Nidiffer
Wanting to find your style and feel confident in your clothes is NOT shallow. It’s a beautiful way to care for yourself and find harmony in your life. Today, style guru Mary Nidiffer shares how to stop feeling overwhelmed when it comes to your closet and the best tips to save time getting dressed!

146. Why I Love Pink
Why do I love the color pink so much? If you’ve ever wondered this, today’s episode is giving you the inside scoop on the reasons pink means so much to me and my business, The PINK Bee. Plus, I share how the color pink is tied to passion and what it has to do with you creating work + life harmony!

145. 3 Things Every Paper Planner User Needs to Know
When it comes to choosing a paper planner, there are a lot of factors to consider! This week, I dive into what your top priorities should be when choosing a new paper planner. Plus, I’m sharing what these things mean for your weekly planning.

144. How to make meaningful income in a small amount of time with Martha Krejci
Mompreneurs, if you’re at a place in life where you desire to create meaningful income but are worried about time, this episode is for you! Tune in as I talk with marketing expert and powerhouse Martha Krejci about how to start affiliate marketing WITHOUT feeling overwhelmed.

143. Co-Planning Tips in Honor of Father's Day
I spend most of my time talking about monthly and weekly planning from a singular perspective. But, in honor of Father's Day, I want to share a few strategies for co-planning with your spouse or significant other to create more life harmony. PLUS, I’m giving you some family planning tips as well!

142. Time Management Tips for Moms Over Summer Break
When summer finally arrives, it’s easy for your routines and weekly planning to start slipping. But there is a way to create a routine for the break that still allows for flexibility and will save your sanity during these months! Tune in for my top 5 time management tips for moms over summer break.

141. Going Paperless with Abby Lawson
If going paperless is something you’ve considered, but you’ve been feeling overwhelmed about how to make it happen, this conversation is 100% for you! The amazing Abby Lawson has been a game-changer in my own paper-free journey, and she’s here to give you the organization tips you need to go paperless, too.

140. How to Know if You are Overplanning
Believe it or not, even with weekly planning, you can have too much of a good thing! The tendency to overplan is very real for many women, and that’s why this week, we’re diving into the best ways to know if you’re doing it, what could happen as a result, and how to stop overplanning ASAP.

139. Avoiding the Hustle Culture with Ashley Meyer
“Don’t hide your motherhood” is a mantra from MOMpire’s Ashley Meyer that changed my life, and today, she’s here sharing why motherhood and being a mompreneur are such powerful gifts. She’s also here to show you how you can trade in toxic hustle culture for simplicity to find success.

137. How to Create Routines for a Non-routine Life
Establishing daily routines can be a challenge for moms with ever-changing schedules, but this episode will help you see routines in a new light. Plus, you’ll learn the steps to create flexible routines that actually work for you and discover how to fit them into your weekly planning.

136. Contributions, not Chores with Amy McCready
Feeling overwhelmed may seem like it’s just part of the gig as a mom. Thankfully, positive parenting expert Amy McCready is here to help and shares the advice we need on priorities, how to get kids to do chores, and so much more! Trust me when I say her tips have been a game-changer in our home.

135. Practical Decluttering with Katy Wells
If you’re struggling with how to get organized when it comes to all of the physical stuff in your home, decluttering expert Katy Wells is THE person you want to learn from. She’s cracked the code and is here to give you the organizational tips you need to find clutter-free freedom as a busy mom.

134. How Over-organizing Leads to Overwhelm
Organization is supposed to make your life easier, but what happens when you get too organized? This week, we’re diving into how to stop feeling overwhelmed from over-organizing and how to create the right kinds of organizational systems for you and your life

133. Cycle Syncing for Productivity with Megan Rempel
If you struggle with how to be productive and manage your time during your monthly cycles, cycle syncing is the solution you’ve been searching for! In this episode, expert Megan Rempel shares the secrets to productivity during that time each month — plus, the clock we really should be focusing on.

132. Anxiety and Planning - Tips to help you plan if the thought of planning makes you anxious
While weekly planning and time management are not meant to bring stress to your life, many people struggle with feelings of anxiety when it comes to making plans. In this episode, we’re getting to the heart of planning anxiety and the strategies you need to plan in a way that supports you.

138. Quitters Sometimes Win
While you may not consider yourself a quitter, there are times that learning when to quit can actually get you closer to where you need to be. Whether it’s internal or external forces shifting your priorities and circumstances, this episode can help you determine if it’s time to quit to win.

131. Beautiful Home, Beautiful Life with Tasha Agruso
It's that time of year! The Beautiful Home, Beautiful Life Summit is here and I have the amazing founder to share some tips with you!

130. Why Bullet Journals Make You Less Productive
Bullet Journals. I'll be blunt. I do not recommend them. They claim to help with productivity but they simply do not. There are a few key elements that are missing from the bullet journal technique and in this episode, I am going to break it down for you!

129. Reverse Organizing with Laura Smith
Have you heard of reverse organizing? I hadn't either. But when Laura taught me this strategy, I was blown away. It is SO powerful but so simple!

128. Why Working from a "Top 3" Priority List Doesn't work
If you were ever taught to create your "top 3" priorities for the day as a form of increasing productivity, listen up. This method does NOT work for everyone and can actually lead to decreased productivity for some!

127. Not Letting Kids with Big Emotions Derail your Plans with Rachel Bailey
If you have a child with "big emotions," then you know all about how they can often hi-jack our time. I live this first hand. Today, Rachel Bailey shares some awesome tips on how to manage this and some tools to help us make better decisions when emotions are big.

126. Why I Have Started Hating the Word "Selfcare"
Self-care. This word is popping up everywhere. And while I think the intention is good, it is started to cause problems for a lot of women. Today, I want to share my take on "self-care" vs. caring for ones self.

125. How Your Phone Homescreen is Sabotaging You
Making a few simple tweaks to what does (and does not) go on the homescreen of your phone is a HUGE game changer. I can't wait to hear what changes you are going to make!

124. How Time (and planning) Affects Money with Brie Sodano
I can't wait for you to learn from Brie today. She is going to talk about time, money, and energy and how they all work as one. Trust me, after this episode, you will look at how you plan and spend your time with a whole new perspective.

123. How Motivational Signs Can Hurt You
I LOVE a good motivational sign or inspirational quote. However, if you are not taking in the whole picture of your life, these empowering messages can lead you to feeling like a failure!

122. Using "Non-Negotiables" to Manage your Time with Michelle Vroom
Think you can't grow a massively successful business while raising 3 young kids? Think again! Today, Michelle Vroom joins me on the podcast to share what her "day to day" life looks like juggling #allthethings. Her tips on having a crystal clear focus on your "non-negotiables" are gold!

121. How to Plan for Uncertainty
Biggest lie out there: plans are pointless if you have a lot of uncertainty. If you feel like things are always changing, then you absolutely NEED to plan. Today, I will tell you how you can embrace a new style of planning!

120. Does Your Calendar Reflect Your Priorities?
Have you ever just felt "off?" I know I have. I have times where even though things are getting done and I am managing my time well, I just feel like something is "off." This is a signal that your calendar and your priorities are likely out of alignment.

119. 3 Buckets of Time Every Entrepreneur Needs to Start With
As a "mompreneur", there is a lot to juggle. Business, home, school, activities, etc.
If you are always feeling pulled in different directions, the perfect place to start is creating three clear buckets of time in your days and week.

118. Why I am Not Wasting My Time on New Years Resolutions
As we wrap up the year, I want to encourage you to focus your time and energy on what will actually help you hit your goals for next year.

117. Tips to Wrap up the Year
Are you desperately waiting for this year to end so you can "start fresh" in the New Year? Stop! We still have important work to do. In this episode, I have a short homework assignment for you that will set you up for success in the upcoming year!

116. Are you Assigning or Delegating Tasks?
Do you assign out tasks to others but still feel overwhelmed? There is a subtle difference between assigning and delegating. Today we are going to discuss the two and how you can make a shift.

115. The 4 Levels Of Planning to Master Your Time
I talk a lot about weekly planning. But, there are actually 3 other "levels" of planning that are critical to put in place to truly master your time and be the planning super star you were meant to be. In today's episode, I break down the 4 levels of planning, why each one is important, when to do them and how you can get started today!

114. 10 healthy tips that don’t take extra time to help you navigate the holidays with Erin Entlich
I'll be honest. I like to use the excuse that "I don't have time" to live a really healthy lifestyle. Thankfully, one of my best friends is a certified health coach and continues to teach and show me simple things I can do in my life to stay healthy(ish). Today, Erin is going to share 10 tips that you can start doing today to help you stay healthy during the holiday season. And....none of them take up any time!

113. Digital, Paper and Electronic Planners. When Should You Use Them?
It's that time of year. Everyone is looking for the perfect planner.
In today's episode, I am going to first explain the difference between paper, digital and electronic planners and then tell you what to look for and how to choose the right one.

112. Becoming a High Achiever without Burnout with Alex Carter
Getting out of overwhelm is hard. As a High-Performance Productivity NeuroCoach, Alex works directly with high achieving female business owners to ensure they can grow to 7 figures without burning out.

111. What To Do with the Tasks You Didn't Get Done This Week
The week is over and you are looking at the list of stuff you planned to do but didn't get done.
Most people will instinctively take all those tasks and then create a task list for next Monday to finish them all.
This hardly ever works.
When it comes to what I call "carry-over" tasks, I have a set process I go through on how to deal with this. I am going to share that with you today!

110. The Difference Between Self-care and Fun
Have you ever felt "meh" or just depressed and you can't figure out why? Even when you are getting plenty of self-care and rest? I've been there. And, it wasn't until recently that I figured out why.
Self-care and fun are NOT the same thing, friends.

109. Time Management and Organization for Creatives with Carina Gardner
When I tell creatives that "Structure Creates Freedom," most will groan and cringe. So, today I have an incredible professional designer, Carina Gardner, here to talk all about it. And she shares exactly why creatives need to have good time management and planning skills!

108. When Meditation and Yoga are Not a Good Way to Start the Day
Guess what? Meditation and yoga first thing are NOT good for me. Why? Because it isn't a good fit for my personality type. If you have been struggling to find a good morning routine, I have some tips for you here.
Go check out and join in on the fun!

107. How Grocery Shopping Can Help You Manage Your Time
As we head into the crazy time of the year, it is critical that we know our real time constraints so we can make good choices on how we spend it.
This episode is going to show you a great way to think about it!

106. Time Management Tips for Direct Sellers
Were you told you can work your Direct Sales business in small pockets of time only to find that you are now glued to your phone 24/7?
Been there.
Today, I am going to share some time management tips and strategies with you to help you reclaim your time and have real Work+Life Harmony!

105. 4 Time Management Tips for Mompreneurs
Juggling work and motherhood can certainly be tricky. But the solution isn't to multi-task. The solution is in learning how to plan and manage your time. Today, I am sharing 4 Time Management Tips to help you achieve Work+Life Harmony as a working mom.

104. How Self-Awareness Impacts Time Management with Dr. Cari Decandia
I had no idea how much self-awareness impacts my productivity and time management until I took an incredible course from Dr. Cari Decandia. I can't wait for you to hear what she has to say!

103. Why To-Do Lists Decrease Productivity and Increase Stress
On the surface, to-do lists seem like a great way to get stuff done.
However, your to-do list is likely causing you a ton of stress and overwhelm. Today, I am going to share why this happens and what you can do about it.

102. How to Habit Stack Time Management Practices with Mindi Huebner
I am obsessed with all things habit stacking. I also get a ton of support in this area from my mindset coach, Mindi Huebner. Today, we share some info about habit stacking and learn about "temptation bundling".

101. 5 Things to Help Your Transition Back to School
Today I am going to share with you 5 simple things you can do to help you with your transition back to school.

100. "Best of" Work Life Harmony
It's the 100th episode of the Work Life Harmony Podcast! WOOP WOOP!
Today I am going to share the top 5 most downloaded podcasts with you and some key takeaways from each!

99. Why I Hate the Phrase "Success Leaves Clues"
"Success leaves clues." I have some serious issues with how I see this being used today. In today's episode, I will share when it may or may not be useful for you as it relates to how you manage your time.

98. Is Pomodoro right for you? It doesn't work for me.
It seems like Pomodoro is the latest "productivity fad" out there. But, just like everything else, it isn't a great fit for everyone. Here are my thoughts on it and why it may (or may not) be good for you.

97. How to Stay Organized with Only One Notebook
Be honest. How many notebooks do you have right now? Is it working for you? Can you find what you need?
Listen up and tell me if you are going to join the "One Notebook Challenge"

96. 3 Modes of Productivity
Most of us are familiar with 2 modes of productivity...active and restorative. But, the third mode is where the magic really happens!

95. Managing Mom Guilt with Dr. Michelle Casarella
Mom guilt. It's a real thing. Every mom I know feels guilty about something. Today, Dr.Casarella, a fellow mom, is going to share some amazing tips on how we can learn to kick our mom guilt to the curb and stop feeling guilty about the choices we make with our time.

94. Two Words That Can Change Your Life
Words are powerful. Sometimes one simple word can completely change your life and perspective.

93. Reasons Before Results
Ever wonder why you aren't getting results? You've got the goal...you created the plan...you broke your plan down...but still nothing. It may be because you put results before your reason!

92. Time Management for Working Moms with Annette Walter
Annette is an accomplished woman I look up to. We are in a mastermind together and I get an "inside" look into both of businesses. As a mom of two young kids, she has done an incredible job maintaining harmony in her life and she is going to share some great tips with you today!

91. Can You Really Do More In Less Time?
Time is time, right? Is it really possible to do more things in less time? Doesn't that defy the laws of physics?

90. Why My Planning Systems of 20 years No Longer Worked
I had a pretty good system for managing my work and life...until I didn't. If this sounds familiar, listen up today. You may need a new system just I like did!

89. How Mindset Affects Your Planning And Productivity
All planning is not created equal. The mindset and energy you bring to your planning has a huge impact on the plans you create and your productivity.

88. Managing Social Media Time as an on-line business owner with Roxanne Wilson
If you are running an on-line business, it is hard to manage time you spend on social media. So, today I brought in the social media expert, Roxanne Wilson, to share tips and strategies on how to best manage and spend your time on social media.

87. The Power Of Knowing What You Don't Want
We spend so much time focusing on what we DO want. However, sometimes taking a long hard look at what we DON'T want can be equally, if not more important.

86. Productivity Tips from My Coach, Stacy Tuschl
I have been working with Stacy for over a year now and one of the reasons I was so drawn to work with her is how productive she is. As a mom and multiple 7 figure business owner, she knows all about my favorite things...systems and processes for productivity.
Tune in to hear some of her best practices!

85. Mother's Day Edition: Time Management Lessons from my Mom
In honor of Mother's Day, I want to take this time to share some of the things I have learned from my mom. She is an amazing woman and I am grateful to be her daughter!

84. Time Management in The Kitchen with Christine Pittman
Meal planning/meal prep /cooking is not my favorite. It is also not my zone of genius. However, Christine Pittman IS the expert in this space, and in this episode, she is going to share some practical tips and strategies to help us save time in the kitchen!

83. Are You A Perfectionist or Do You Just Have High Standards?
You may think perfectionism and high standards are the same thing but they are not. One prevents you from moving forward while the other continues to push you and keep you moving. Can you guess which is which?

82. 5 Life Lessons I Learned from my Niece
My niece, Ashley, was an amazing young lady. I had the pleasure of having her in my life for 22 years and boy did she teach me a LOT! In today's episode, I want to share 5 life lessons ( I could have shared 1,000) that I learned from her. I miss you, sweet girl.

81. Building a Business and Raising Young Daughters with Sherrel Sampson
Do you have to choose between work and motherhood? No. You don't. Today you get to meet an amazing mom and business owner and hear about her journey.
Sherrel Sampson is the Founder & CEO of Canviiy®, an innovative, organic-based health & wellness brand headquartered in Tampa, Florida.

80. How to Conduct a 90 Day Check-in on Your Goals
Here we are, at the start of a new quarter. This is the perfect chance to check in on your goals! Yup! You heard me. This isn't something you only do in January.
I'm going to walk you through some important steps to take right now!

79. The Importance of Harmony Between Strategic and Tactical Planning with Amber McCue
I can easily get caught in the "weeds" of tactical planning. However, elevating up to your vision, goals, and dreams is so important. Amber McCue is the absolute master of this and is going to share why we need both!

78. Knowing Your Productivity Cycle
Guess what, ladies. Our productivity has "cycles"....just like our bodies do. Yup, I'm going to go there this week. Understanding why this happens and learning your own will be a massive game-changer for you!

77. Managing Anxiety so it Doesn't Sabotage Your Productivity with Kasey Matthews

76. Managing Your Time: Pre and Post Vacation
Have you ever felt like going on a trip or vacation just isn't worth it? The stress of getting ready...and then all the crap waiting for you when you get home?
Here are some tips and strategies I use every time I travel so I can actually enjoy the trip!

75. Meet My Mom: Proof I Wasn't Always This Way

74. The Importance of Visions and Boundaries with Laurel Wilson and Carey Conley
Have you ever wished you learned certain life skills earlier in life? I know I have. I can't wait for you to meet this mother-daughter powerhouse, Laurel and Carey. They are on a mission to teach people of aLL ages, especially young adults, about the power of a vision and the importance of boundaries (both things I wished I learned earlier in life).

73. Creating Boundaries With Your Time
Why are boundaries so dang hard? I recently read Jen Sincero's newest book "Badass Habits" and her chapter on boundaries was just incredible.
In this episode, I am going to talk about boundaries with your time and how it directly affects your productivity and energy.

72. Getting Your Home Organized with Perri Kersh
Let's face it..we all have some cabin fever going on. And, the longer we are all in place in our homes, the more time we have to realize that we want to "re-do" and reorganize every inch of our house. However, decided where and how to start is NOT easy.

71. My Experience on Love it or List it - Your Questions Answered
I am FINALLY sharing all the details and answering your questions on our experience on the HGTV show, Love it or List It. We had the crazy experience of being on this show...and today I share it all (along with sneaking in some planning tips of course!)

70. The Two Things You Really Have Control Over
When it comes to planning and managing our time, we really only have control over 2 things. I am going to share what those are with you today and give you some tips as well on things you might want to start implementing.

69. How to Start Journaling if You Hate to Journal (and why you need to!)
"You need to journal!" I heard this for years but never found any success with it. It just never clicked for me. Until it did. Turns out, there is a solution for people like me that hate to journal! In this episode, I am going to share my journaling secret and why you need to give it a try!

68. The 4 R's to Belief Building with Michelle Cederberg
It's the time of the year when everyone is trying to get into action with new goals, dreams, etc. However, if you don't have the right beliefs in place to set you up for success, you may feel stuck. Michelle Cederberg is going to share the 4 R's you need!

67. 4 Steps to Ditch the Overwhelm
The #1 question I was asked in 2020 was how to stop feeling overwhelmed. Sadly, I don't have a magic wand to prevent it from happening...but I do have a proven strategy to get you OUT of overwhelm when you find yourself there. That is what I am sharing today!

66. How To Run a Year end "Retrospective"
Before you jump into talking goals, New Year resolutions and completely slam the door on 2020, there is an important thing you need to do. A year end retrospective. Tune in to learn what this is and how to do it!

65. Are you Making Excuses or Owning Your Reality?
Has anyone every told you that you were using your situation as an "excuse" to not get something done? How did that make you feel? Sadly, I let others make me guilty for a long time. Now, I have learned how to own my reality and make choices based on that. I want the same for you.

64. How Consistency Might Be Slowing You Down
Have you been told that consistency is the key to success or productivity? Guess what? Sometimes it is...sometimes is isn't. Consistency comes in many shapes and sizes...and it is imperative that you understand the right one for you!

63. How Streaking Can Change Your Life with Jeff and Jami Downs
Streaking. Who knew? It is my new obsession thanks to Jeff and Jami Downs! In this episode, you are going to learn exactly what streaking is (and isn't) and how it can completely change your life and set you up for massive success!

62. 5 Reasons To Start Using Trello Today!
When it comes to managing my time, my TOP Planner is my go-to. However, when it comes to managing everything else, Trello is it. In this episode, I am going to share 5 reasons why I love it and then talk through various ways that I use it.

61. Managing Big Emotions with Your Kids During the Holiday's
The holidays are packed with highly charged emotions and #allthefeels. This week, Rachel Bailey, parenting expert, is back to share some amazing tips to help both you and your kids right now.

60. Planners and Journals and Notebooks, Oh My!
Do you have a graveyard of notebooks, planners, journals, etc that "didn't work" for you? In this episode, I am going to share with you the three "tools" I use and how they are each different.

59. Lessons Learned from the Podcast Last Year
Wow. We have been together for 1 year on the Work+Life Harmony Podcast and I can't thank you enough! In today's episode, I reflect back on the last year and share some older episodes you may want to listen to!

58. How to Avoid the "Waiting Game"
Fact: 2020 has been crazy. It derailed everyone. However, we still have 2 months left. Are you going to continue to "wait it out" and do nothing until 2021 or are you going to make the last 2 months count?

57. 4 Things You Can Do to Prep for the Holidays
The holidays are practically HERE! Yup..I said it. But..you don't need to panic. In today's episode I will share with you 4 things you can start doing to ensure that you can actually enjoy them!

56. 10 Things I've Learned From Playing Mario Kart 8
I am absolutely terrible at Mario Kart 8. I am terrible at all video games. But, truth be told, I have learned a lot about myself from playing it with my family...and not all of it is good.

55. Busy is Not Productive
Busy and productive are NOT the same thing. If you are ready to get out of the "busy being busy" trap, this episode is for you

54. Learning Not to Settle with Jodie Borowicz
In this episode with a client of mine, you will hear all about Jodie's journey as she transformed the way she juggles all her hats (full time CFO, wife, mom, biz owner, etc)..

53. The Time My Husband Broke His Toe During My Live Training
A personal story that happened to me recently so you can see the importance of understanding that we can't plan our way to perfection.

52. What Are You Going to Stop Doing?
In this episode, I am going to share with you a very important aspect of how you manage your time...and that is the importance of a "to-don't" list.

51. How to Implement Daily Planning for Virtual School and Work
Are you juggling multiple virtual school schedules, work, home life, etc? This episode will help!

50. Why You Need One (and only one) Task List
In this episode, I share with you why you need one central list and the tremendous impact it has on your brain!

49. Dreaming Big With Mikki Paradis
"Go big or go home!" In this episode, Mikki shares how dreaming big has transformed her life...even when it is scary and the path is unknown.

48. Why Will Power Will Not Make You More Productive
You've heard the saying "where there's a will, there's a way." This is a lie I will dive into in this episode.

47. Are You In A Constant State of Reaction?
In this episode, I share with you what the difference is between proactive and reactive time and how to ensure you are reserving time to be proactive!

46. It's Ok To Miss A Moment with Jamie Soucy Nenaber
How does the phrase "never miss a moment" make you feel? Today Jamie and I have a conversation about being a mom.

45. Tips for Working Moms Heading Into the School Year with Tameika Devine
Tameika Devine is here to share some practical tips to help you navigate this as a working mom wearing many hats!

44. What Your Calendar Says About Your Priorities
If you juggle a lot of schedules, you may not realize that you are subtly sending a message to your family about your priorities.

43. Morning Routines for Moms with Keri Rice
Do you need help finding a morning routine that works for you? This podcast will help!

42. The Productivity Pyramid
Think you are either born productive or not? Good news...anyone can learn how to be more productive!

41. How to Organize and Understand the Money in Your Business with Katie Ferro
If you run a business...not matter how big or small...you need to know your numbers. Katie Ferro is going to be your new best friend!

40. Tasks Vs. Appointments
Do you struggle to get the right things done? It's time you think about your appointments vs. tasks!

39. How to Avoid Training Overwhelm
In this episode, I share with you the process I use every time I attend any form of training / learning event to ensure that I actually get into action when it id done instead of just being paralyzed with information overload.

38. How to Keep Your Business Going When Kids Summer Activities are Cancelled
Are your kids activities all cancelled for summer? Here are 5 tips to help you structure your time!

37. Social Media Tips for Multiple Streams of Income with Roxanne Wilson
Do you manage multiple business? If so, you need to know how to show up on social media the right way! this episode, Roxanne shares all the do's and don'ts!

36. Why Failing Fast Is My Superpower
Most people think my real super power is organization and productivity. But, it isn't. My real super power is my ability to fail, fail fast, and fail often.

35. Don’t Confuse Lack of Clarity with Lack of Motivation
Have you found yourself saying, “I just can’t get motivated?” If so, there is a good chance that motivation really isn’t your issue….your issue is that you have lost clarity or focus on what you should be doing to help you reach your goals. In this episode, I share with you a simple process you can walk through to get back in action with one small action today!

34. Mastering Your Outcomes with Mindi Huebner
In this episode, Mindi shares the 5 steps (M.A.S.T.E.R) you need to master your outcomes…and why she focuses on outcomes instead of goals.

33. Managing the Juggling Act with Danielle Kent
Danielle Kent is the founder of The Connected Caregiver. She helps parents to support problem solving and regulation skills in their children. My biggest takeaway from this episode? I will no longer call it home schooling!

32. Watch Your Words with Christy Whitman
Do you really know the power of your words? Now more than ever, we have to be overly aware of our words, our thoughts and our emotions. The world is filled with fear and stress and the words we use have a tremendous impact on our reality.

31. Navigating Quarantine Life as a working Mom with Rachel Bailey
We are all working at home now…with our kids. It is hard. Productivity is down and stress levels are up.

30. How to Get Back on Track When All Motivation is Gone
Do you struggle to either get motivated or stay motivated? Or…maybe procrastination is your “jam.” If this sounds like you…and you wish it didn’t….tune in to this episode. I will give you a 3 step process to walk through to get your mojo BACK!

29. Squirrel! Top 5 Tips if You Are Easily Distracted
Are you easily distracted and lose focus? You are NOT alone! In this episode, I share my proven Top 5 Tips to help you get more done without distractions! You can start implementing them TODAY for immediate success.

28. Social Selling Tips During COVID-19 with Roxanne Wilson
Are you a network marketer or direct seller that is “stuck” figuring out what is appropriate and how to sell right now? Tune in to ALL the amazing tips that Roxanne Wilson is going to share with you today on how you can show up, serve, sell, and keep your business afloat during these unprecedented times.

26. Daily Planning During COVID-19
Weekly planning seems impossible right now. It is so tempting to slide into a place of depression with all that is happening. Creating a daily plan for you and your family is huge game changer. In this episode, I share some tips on how to do it, what to include, and why you need a daily schedule. #worklifeharmony

25. Battling Perfectionism to Reclaim Your Productivity
The battle of productivity vs. perfectionism is real. You want to be productive. You want to wrap up that project and move on to the next one but you just can’t until the current one is done. And to you, done means perfect. In this episode, I share with you a tip that has helped me move past perfectionism into a space of being “done.”

24. Sacrifices vs. Sacred Things with Heather Shriver Burns
Heather Shriver Burns is a success coach and multi-passionate entrepreneur. She shares how she has grown multiple 6-figure businesses while juggling motherhood. Her points on the difference between making sacrifices but maintaining sacred things is brilliant!

23. 5 Tips to Help you Streamline Your Direct Sales Business
Do you have a Direct Sales or Multi-level Marketing business? If so, do you actually have that time freedom you wanted or do you feel like you are always working? In this episode, I share with you five tips to help you streamline your time while still growing your business. If you are ready to increase your productivity while working less hours, then you need to check out the System for Success course!

22: “I Honor my Schedule”
with Carrie Verrocchio
Carrie Verrocchio is an empowerment coach that helps women step into their best life. In this conversation, Carrie shares some amazing tips to help you claim your joy and honor your schedule. My favorite new hashtag after our conversation is #martyrdomisoverrated.

21. Top 3 Tips to Juggle #allthethings with Jessie Bouton
Jessie Bouton is a certified life coach and business growth strategist. She is also the founder of the Million Mompreneur Project, author, podcaster, speaker, wife, mom to 5 kids, and former professional race car driver. Yup…you read that right. Busy? You better believe it! So, how does she juggle #allthethings? Listen in to hear some AWESOME tips from Jessie!

20. Practice, not Perfection with Leah Stender
I love Leah’s quote “practice, not perfection.” As a busy mom of 2 and entrepreneur, Leah shares how she is managing it all and why it is so very important to know yourself so you can create a day and structure that works for you.

19. A Glimpse Into My Success Partner Relationship with Roxanne Wilson
Struggling to find the right accountability partner? Tune in to hear how my “Success Partner” relationship works with Roxanne Wilson! We do NOT hold each other accountable..but we are so much better TOGETHER!

E18. Top 5 Reasons Why You Are Not Hitting Your Goals
Do you have the best of intentions when it comes to hitting your goals but aren’t making any progress yet?

17. Why I Hate Hacks
I have no clue when everyone started talking about “hacks”…..but I absolutely hate that word. I see it everywhere…”5 hacks to improve your mood”….”#1 hack to save you time”….”top 3 productivity hacks.”

16. The Most Effective Way to Track Progress on Your Goals
How are those 2020 goals going?
Do you even have any idea?
Are you tracking progress?
Do you know if you are doing the right things to hit them? This episode teaches you the difference of tracking lead vs. lag indicators and why this is so very important! I can’t wait to share!

15. Creating a Morning Routine With 5 Young Kids with Kim Hosking
Do you have tiny humans in your house that constantly disrupt your attempt at a quiet morning routine? Kim Hosking is a mom of five kids (ages 2 – 10), entrepreneur, and veterinarian by trade. She has been struggling to create and implement a morning routine for months and reached out for help. In this episode, we talk through suggestions on how she can shift her plan and expectations from her morning.

14. My Word for 2020 and Why I Hate Resolutions
Do you set New Year’s Resolutions? How has that worked for you in the past? I hate resolutions and stopped setting last year. Instead, I focus on intentions, not resolutions. Tune in to hear why I made this switch! Part of my ‘New Year’ planning is picking a word for the year. My 2020 word is Intentional. What’s yours?

13. Do You Struggle to Find a Morning Routine that Works For You?
Morning Routines are ALL the rage these days. But, most people are making a HUGE mistake…they are trying to implement a routine that does NOT work for them simply because someone else suggested it. In this episode, I share some reasons why you need to consider creating a morning routine and how your personality plays a part in it!

12. A Unique Way To Time Block with Jamie Soucy
Jamie Soucy is a coach. She also runs 2 businesses while juggling young kids and marriage. In this episode, Jamie shares her unique approach to time blocking and how she combines weekly and daily planning to keep her focused.

11. Right Brained People Can Still be Highly Organized with Alicia Bruce
From meteorologist to top notch brand photographer, Alicia Bruce is one incredible female entrepreneur! You will love hearing about her journey…and proving that right brained, creative people can still be highly organized and disciplined. Alicia also shares some of her top tips to prepare for a branding photo shoot!

10. Life on Purpose with Mindi Huebner
Mindi Huebner is a certified life coach, health coach, and belief healing coach extraordinaire. Mindi helps entrepreneurs with body, mind and soul to up-level their life and their business. She shares her top tips to increase productivity including the importance of water, breaks, and some different perspectives on nutrition as well.

9. Defining Time Boundaries with Ashley Kaplan
Ashley Kaplan is a strategic WordPress website designer and teacher. She not only designs and builds incredible websites (she built megansumrell.com), but she also developed the Worryfree WordPress DIY course to teach others how to build their own site.

8. What to do When you Are Overwhelmed
Have you ever been in that place where you are completely overwhelmed with #allthethings on your list? There is so much to do that you get paralyzed and frozen in inactivity? It happens to all of us. In this episode, I share with you exactly what I do when this happens and how to get yourself back into meaningful action and get rid of that overwhelmed feeling.

7. How to Take Action on a Goal You Have No Skills to Implement
Do you avoid working on certain goals because you have absolutely no idea how to implement them? Lack of knowledge or skills should never prevent you from taking that first step! In this episode, I will share with you exactly how I got this Podcast off the ground when I knew absolutely NOTHING about how to do it.

6. Keeping your Business Running With a New Baby with Rachel Ngom
Rachel Ngom is a Pinterest marketing strategist for purpose-driven female entrepreneurs. She started her first business in 2010 with ZERO social media experience and has since exploded her business and brand into multiple streams of income…all while having her first child at home and now pregnant with #2.

5. Do You Know How to Use a Day Planner
It’s that time of year again…everyone is looking for a new Day Planner for 2020. Posts are flying around social media asking what your favorite planner is. Planners are very personal, but there are 3 things you need to think about before you jump in and buy one.

4. How to Build a Business Without Sacrificing Your Marriage with Jim Larsen
Jim Larsen is here today and as always, a conversation with Jim is nothing short of amazeballs. Jim and I tackle the topic of juggling building a business when you are ALL IN without sacrificing your marriage. Jim gives some great tips and advice on this area. Spoiler alert, it is all about focus, planning, and communication.

3. The Top Planning Mistake You Should Avoid
Today I’m sharing the biggest mistake I see people make when it comes to planning their time. Staying on top of #allthethings is not easy, but if you can make this one subtle shift in how you plan your weeks (not days), you can start to increase your productivity immediately and feel less stressed!

2. How to Spend Your Time Effectively on Instagram With Roxanne Wilson
Roxanne Wilson is THE go-to person when it comes to Instagram. In today’s episode, she shares some tips on what to prioritize when it comes to Instagram, where your time is best spent and how to get started. We reviewed my Instagram account and my IG planning strategy….the good, the bad and the ugly. As always, I learned new things and I know you will too!

1. What is Work+Life Harmony All About?
Since this is the first ever episode of The Work+Life Harmony Podcast, I am going to share with you WHY I started this show and what you can expect to get from it. I have some key commitments to you…the listener…that I promise to adhere to!
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